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  • Bagnell Dam Strip | Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Lake Ozark Realty Blog

    Monday, September 24, 2018   /   by Marty Gum

    Fall Buyer Tips

    The Fall buying season is officially upon us. School has started, the weather has begun to cool off. People aren’t spending all their time on the lake and real estate lookers have become real estate buyers. There is nothing we want more than to be sure our clients have the best chance to see the area and buy the property they want. To make sure your Lake of the Ozarks dream home becomes a reality, here are some tips to help you prepare for your home search. Being prepared will help make the process smooth and successful for you and all parties involved.

    Before Arrival 

    Let us know your schedule: Your plans are made, your vacation housing is secured and you're ready for some fun in the sun but you also plan to make time to do some house hunting. Just as you wouldn't book your condo or hotel days before your arrival, it's not an ideal strategy to wait on letting your Realtor know you'll be in town. Right now are busy months for a Realtor and their schedules tend to fil. ...

      home buyer tips, bagnell dam strip, fall buying tips

    Monday, May 16, 2016   /   by Louis Gum

    Bagnell Dam Strip at Lake of the Ozarks

    The Bagnell Dam Strip has been a huge tourist attraction since the beginning of the Lake of the Ozarks in 1931.  Throughout the years hundreds of thousands of people have walked this road.  The past couple of years we have seen a decline in traffic on the strip, but with new developments and attractions moving to the strip, and the combined effort to clean it up, the Bagnell Dam Strip is back in full swing!
    On the Strip:
    You still have your classic shops like Dogpatch which is the longest continually operating business on the strip and originally opened in 1947!  It has all sorts of nik naks, souvenirs, and much much more!
    You still have the Rebel Arcade that is packed with hundreds of games.  There are 2 ice cream shops, and 1 new Frozen Yogurt Bar.  Lots of T-Shirt shops, and if you left your swimsuit at home, come on down!

    What better way to remember your Trip to the Strip than to take an Old Time Photo that will last forever!  Go in and choose ! ...

      bagnell dam strip